Nature and environment influence in humans. First, nature makes a lot of things. For example, when some pregnant have baby, they do something for baby. Pregnant efforts baby to be smart or be generous. When they get baby, they have vacation for taking care of baby if the mothers work. In Korea, there is phrase for pregnant. If the pregnant take care of baby very carefully, they are very good baby. Also, there are some gossips for pregnant. If the pregnant listen something about English every day, maybe their baby hears that. Then, when the babies grow up, the baby speaks English well. Why? The reason is that the baby heard in the mother's body. However, environment also makes many things. When children grow up, they influence to their parents. Their parents always do something for children. For example, the children always respect older people. Sometimes, children don't respect them. At that time, parents treat children to respect older people. Parents are a help to their children. Also, their house atmospheres are important. Why? If some families are very violence, their children are also violence, because children follow their parents. I think that nature and environment are very important to us. If natures don’t help to human, environments can help to us when people grow up.
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